Finer than the Moon and us!”
Dawn was breaking. It was still dark in the garden. There was a brook.
“Where is she” I asked the Flower about you. “I always see her in the morning in the garden”, – the Flower replies, – she approaches to me and smells me, and then I do not remember the rest. It is not my smell, it is the remainder of her odor, – the Flower feels hurt.
I saw the Flower. I took fragrance from it.
Then I saw the Breeze. “Hey, breeze, when do you usually see my beauty?” I ask the Breeze. It says “I also see Her in the morning in the orchard. I loose consciousness when I encounter with Her. Therefore you can not meet me whole day”.
I asked You from the remissive Star. “I conceal myself right after the Beauty gets up, as I feel shy before Her” the Star said and disappeared.
I asked about her from the Moon. The Moon said: “We are friends. At nights I light the sky and she lights the entire world during the day” and the Moon also left me.
The Sun was wiping the horizon and was looking at the world mirror. I asked the Sun hopelessly and it answered: “I can never see the Beauty”, and the Sun wept. “Why?” I asked. “If I look at Her, I’ll melt at once”, the Sun replied. The Sun became my mate.
I asked the Nightingale in the garden: “From whom did you learn to sing?” “A beauty comes here everyday, – the Nightingale replied. – In the music of her beautiful words I get drunk and I always moan like this”.
The Nightingale became my devoted fellow.
I was too thirsty. I approached to the Spring and drank from its water. “Why are you so delicious, hey, Spring?” I asked. The spring took a long breath and replied: “Eh, every morning a Beauty comes here and washes Her face with Her tender hands. So, this is not the taste of mine, it is the Beauty’s flavor”.
All of a sudden Rain began to pour. I asked about the Beauty at once. “I feel every morning that She walks on me with her delicate feet. Her warmth burns me so much and I disappear” – the Rain’s answer was like this.
After this I encountered with a perplexed Moth and asked: “Why are you so anxious?” “I saw the Beauty only once but am still feeling hurt in my heart and am anxious for seeing her once again”.
The Moth became my cordial friend.
“Why are you so high” I asked the Mountain. It said that it went up to see You from above.
That’s enough, I asked about Her from the Sleep. But the Sleep sighed deeply and said: “I am not able to describe her” and it left me.
When leaves talked and rustled with each other and when water flowed joyfully, I fell asleep. “Please let me know about the Beauty” I entreated. The Sleep sent the Dream to me.
I asked the Dream:
– Describe my Beauty. Does she also love me?”
– No, She does not love you, She has another love.
This word broke my heart into pieces.
– Who is the person who stole my love? Is that person so handsome, please describe, hey villain?
– It will be hard for you to listen to my words.
– Tell me, what should I do?
– Collect all the pencils of the world.
No pencils remain in the world. All the poets and writers offered their help to me.
The Dream began to describe the Beauty with them. Oh, both the pencils and the men of letters could not manage this job. No pencil remained in the world to write. All of them could not bear and none tried to write any more.
I called the Ocean, the Sea, the Lake the River and the Cloud. Ink appeared instead of them. The Dream proceeded to describe the Beauty, took a deep sigh and wept and the rivers became full of ink from its tears. Oh, dear me, the world was deprived of their water. Description of the Beauty has just began and all were surprised. The entire world and the space shattered. All began to describe the Beauty. Animals roared, plants rustled and the mankind left all the jobs behind to describe Her. All were delivering a eulogy in their own language for Her and there was not the end for the Language and the Word.
– Who is that Beauty whose description cannot be placed in the Word and the Language, – I asked the Dream.
– Hey, ignoramus, don’t you know that Beauty conquered the Hearts of you and me, the Sun and the Moon and the Star. This beauty is the excellent and the most beautiful one. And everyone wants this Beauty. This beauty lives in your heart and is always with you. Please save your soul, belief and love. Only then the Beauty does not leave you alone. Keep this Beauty at the bottom of your heart and live with love. Call to mind this Beauty every time: when you stand, walk and sit. Live with the Beauty’s memory every second. Only after that you can find this Beauty and He will live with you.
I woke up with bitter tears.
Morning, Orchard. Brook…
Yunus Emro’s poem was sounding from somewhere with a well-known tune.
I am walking within hot flood,
Love designed me with my red blood,
I’m neither wise, nor mad, oh God,
Come and see what love made with me.
As wind sometimes I blow out,
At others as the sand I sprout,
Like inondation I will float,
Come and see what love made with me.
I will flow like flowing stream,
With my sad heart I will steam
And weep, beauty’s in my dream,
Come and see what love made with me.
Take my hands but leave me alone,
Let me ask you to be my own,
Make me laugh, not let me moan,
Come and see what love made with me.
I move from one to other land,
I always look for a real friend,
No one knows of how I stand,
Come and see what love made with me.
Like a mad Mejnoon I keep,
And I see her in my sleep.
If I do not see, I weep,
Come and see what love made with me.
Oh, it was a voice of Beauty, which I was lost.